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Current Youtube Statistics – General&Advertising&Mobile

Below you can find statistics about Youtube, the world's largest platform in terms of video viewing.

comedy movie NETFLIX

The end of summer is in sight, life is pregnant with new stresses. When we add to the intensity of the agenda, we may need some relaxation. For those who seek refuge in movies, we have selected the 10 safest comedy movies in Netflix Turkey's library. Foreign or local? Make your choice and go to the screen.

We're looking for AI experts for Snap's Security Advisory Board

This time last year, Snap invited qualified experts to apply to join our new Security Advisory Board (GDK);

Our Transparency Report for the First Half of 2023

Today we are publishing our latest Transparency Report, covering the first half of 2023.

Why Should We Use Facebook?

Facebook has become an integral part of our digital lives, connecting people from different corners of the world.

Founding and History of Twitter

The establishment of Twitter brought a significant breath to social media in the field of journalism.

How to Use TikTok for Your Business: Tips and Best Practices

TikTok has emerged as a powerful platform for businesses to connect with their audience in creative and engaging ways. Here are some valuable tips and best practices to effectively use TikTok for your business

Snapchat Statistics (Current)

We have compiled for you the current statistics about Snapchat, which was founded in 2011 and has become an important player in the social network market with a rapid rise in a short time. Here are the current data about “Snapchat Statistics”!


Youtube trends are determined according to certain principles.