
Current Youtube Statistics – General&Advertising&Mobile

Below you can find statistics about Youtube, the world's largest platform in terms of video viewing.

General Statistics

Number of users: more than 1 billion

Percentage of online adults who say they regularly access YouTube: 85%

Total time of videos uploaded to YouTube every 1 minute: 300 hours

Total time of videos watched on YouTube every month: 6 billion hours

Number of video views watched on mobile every month: 1 billion

Statistics for 2014

The most popular video of 2014: Mutant Giant Spider Dog

The most popular music video of 2014: Katy Perry – Dark Horse

The most popular cinema trailer of 2014: Fifty Shades of Gray

Number of views of the Ice Bucket Challenge video in 2014: 1 billion

Advertising Statistics

Total viewing time of the 10 most watched commercials: 1 billion minutes

Average duration of the 10 most viewed ads: 3 minutes

YouTube's share of Google's ad sales revenue in 2014: 6%

“Most” Statistics

Most searched main topic: Music

Average duration of most viewed videos: 31-120 seconds

Most viewed video to date: Gangnam Style – more than 2 billion

The country that uses YouTube the most: Saudi Arabia – 90 million views per day

Ratio Statistics


Proportion of music videos in total video views on YouTube: 38.4%

YouTube access rate from mobile: 50%

Traffic rate coming to YouTube from outside the USA: 80%

Proportion of total viewings made from Android devices: 42%